Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Acrostic poem about habitats

WALT:Write a poem about animal habitat/homes

Antarctica where my furry white friends live
N-autilus gliding in the water
I-guanas laying in the rain forests trying to camouflage stealthily
Animals galore laying in their cosy habitats
L-ive in a habitat and you will see why these animals love their home

H-ome of fish and many other more if you open the door splash!
Alligators snapping their jaws as they watch their prey come right to the door.
B-oom goes the hippo as it touches the ground splashing water all over itself
I-ncredible animals playing all day this is what you pay for I must say
T-earing flesh from other animals there is only one who does it it’s lions
Animals party every night I must say how joyful they are
T-arantulas dead and scary 
S-uperb and crazy animals are simply the best

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Key competencies for the first half of the year

Key Competencies 
(the capabilities required for living and lifelong learning)

Halsey Drive School
                     A = Almost Always
                                                                S = Sometimes
                                                           N = Not yet
1st half of the year
2nd half of the year
Managing Self

I am organised for the day

I am willing to try new things

I complete work to the best of my ability and show initiative

I begin work straight away, stay on task and work independently

I can set realistic goals and explain how to achieve them

I make sensible behaviour choices

I happily take part in all school activities

Relating to Others

I cooperate well with others when working

I treat others with respect

I am a good friend and role model - especially at break times

I show good manners and cooperate with others

Participating and Contributing

I share my ideas and opinions with others

I listen well to other people’s opinions

I take part in activities outside of the classroom


I ask relevant questions to deepen my knowledge 

I reflect on my own learning and say what I need to learn next

Language Symbols and Texts

I use a range of IT to share my learning

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The boy description

The boy

The boy in the lapis jacket was hunched forward gripping the game controller. Eyes glued to the TV, he ignored his surroundings like he was having a dream. He ignored his mum and the present that she gave him. He seemed uninterested. When sunlight came into the room, he cringed and acted like he was in a cave with no exit. Uncaring and selfish, the boy was torturing everyone.

The boy was moody and never let  anything come in his way; he was stubborn. Obsessed with video games, the boy was in a dark room and was ignorant to anyone that tried to take his attention away from the TV. The boy seemed heartless at first but then he got more considerate about others and treated them fairly.


Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Dogo news summary

My article is about brave swimmers who attempted and did the ice swimming Olympics in Russia

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Why you should join a multicultural group

WALT:use a template to plan our writing
Last week we wrote a persuasive writing about why you should join a multicultural group.

Do you think it's important to join a multicultural group? Well it sure is  because you have to show respect!!! And if you don’t they won’t respect you either. Today I am going to persuade you why we should join a multicultural group. I will talk about how it can help build motor skills, teamwork skills and showing respect for that culture. Children must do this because its vital for them to learn about other cultures so that they can  make trust and because it's good for health.

As a children must my first point is that it  helps build motor skills!!!!!! The reason i am saying this is because if you do this  it will be good for your health and fitness and as you should know fitness is super helpful because it keeps you active. Fitness is also key because fitness helps you stay away from sickness and it makes sure you don’t have weight gain,it will have effect on your heart if you eat sugar and much more.According to google if you eat too much sugar it increases the percent that you could die and the best way to stop that is by eating healthy.Eating healthy also prevents you from having a sore tummy or a tummy ache. That is why it is so important to join a multicultural group.in addition to that there is another point that point is that it is good for coordination of limbs because  it has a lower chance of getting injured and you will use less energy.AS some of you might or not know there is a thing called fine motor skills  and gross motor skills.For instance google has said fine motor skills are achieved when we children use our small muscles such as our hand,fingers and wrists.Now gross motor skills are much larger movements and energetic movements such as walking,kicking,jumping and climbing.

Okay guys that's one reason done so here is my second if you join a multicultural you will build teamwork skills.For example you will build trust and respect from other people and respect is one of the main things in the world because if you don’t show respect you will be lonely, people will make fun of you and they won’t respect you.So if i were you you must join a multicultural group it’s for your own sake so believe it or not these things will happen maybe not quickly but mark my words it’s bad so join a multicultural group!!!Next one guys if you have teamwork skills and make friends they will back you up and support you the whole way and If you have no confidence and don’t have the will to succeed you will never have true friends so be bold and never give up because you never know if you never try.As some of you should know Michael Jordan had lots of confidence and the will to achieve anything despite failing many times he kept persevering and that is why he succeeded.

My third and last point is that if you have to show respect for the culture because if you value and care for that culture they will care for you. The good things in life if you join a multicultural group you will have friends, people will like you and so you learn about cultures you might not know about and that will make you smarter. So you see you will learn more, you will have better oral language so if someone ask you a question you will know how to answer it and if you show that you care for that culture and suddenly in the multicultural group you guys might be learning about your language so then people will show respect for your language and you will feel happy trust me.

Overall i think it's super important cause  it’s good for health and you will be smarter so you will have friends and people will care about your language. Also you will build trust and respect from people and it shows it’s alright to be different from people. So it’s vital you join a multicultural group!!!!!!!!!!!!! So please join a multicultural group it’s for your own good so that covers all my main three points and I hope you see that it’s extremely effective  if you join a multicultural group.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

cause and effect map

WALT:understand the cause and effect on British migration to NZ. We wrote the causes and effects on British migration to NZ.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

My colour poem

WALT:use figurative language in our writing
Taste like:juicy grapes,delicious feijoas,steamed broccoli,cooked peas
Smell like:fresh grass, green apples
Feels like:green slime sticking on my hand
Looks like:radiant grass,vibrant leaves,lush bushes,

Green tastes like juicy grapes watering in my mouth.
Green tastes like delicious feijoas munching through my teeth.
Green taste like broccoli digesting through my body.
Green taste like cooked peas sliding down my plate like bowling balls.
Green makes me feel sick as if I need a doctor.
Green is slime sticking to my hand.
Green smells like apple tart in the oven.
Green smells like fresh grass in the garden.
Green looks like radiant grass in my backyard.
Green looks like vibrant leaves falling in Autumn.
Green is me hitting the cricket ball into the back yard.
Green is me lying on the grass and licking an ice cream on a hot summer's day.
Green is telling me to go.