Sunday, December 9, 2018

Junk mail

Lili gets sick while Ana is delivering circulars in her dune buggy.  Suddenly, a rabbit jumps out in front of the car and she smashes the brakes and flips her car forward over the rabbit. Then hits the ground and swerves into a tree sadly all the circulars fell out of the buggy.  Super sadly, the rabbit died from shock. Then she reverses from the tree and takes off through the streets, one person was  super mad because it was his rabbit. Everyone in the neighbourhood thought she was a bad person and everyone had worries about it happening again. She didn't get paid that week and also lost her job.
WALT:Evaluate our prediction after reading the story (Junk Mail by Prue Hilson PT3, no.3 1995)

I give my prediction a 4/10. I predicted correctly that  lili was sick and Ana would deliver the pamphlets also we predicted the buggy would crash and also that there were animals in the story. However we got some parts wrong like Ana being yelled at and Ana picking up the phone.

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