Thursday, September 27, 2018

The coral reef is full of vibrant staghorn coral.  It looks like the bumpy bits of an apple pie pastry.  The vibrant, vivid coral sways side to side like the palm trees in Hawaii.

This mako shark is  14 foot and weighs 280 kgs.  It is a monster who swims by school’s of fish, scaring them with his existence.  The mako shark is a beast at swimming and if you look at it swim you will be flabbergasted. The mako shark is as long as the sky tower.

The mako shark is as long as a giraffe laying sideways and swims as fast as a tracer bullet. The shark rapidly darts through the water like Usain Bolt.  The mako shark’s fins are as sharp as a knights sword. The mako shark is as thin as a skeleton and is as long as a pole. The sun beams down on to the glistening water like a rocket about to land. The mako shark swims in the water like a speed boat going at 500 km per hour. The mako shark’s fins are as sharp as  a roof’s edge. The water is as cold as Antarctica but with no ice.
The bold coral reef stands out like a professional painting.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

shloks colour poem

Shlok’s colour poem 
Fresh grass swaying side to side.
Lush green trees quietly sleeping.
My vibrant school uniform.
Yummy broccoli crunching in my mouth.
A delectable green apple crunching the juice out of it.
The school turf that halsey drive school runs around like crazy.
Green is rustling leaves making a big racket.
Green is like beans being digested.
Green is like hot green tea burning in my mouth.
Green smells like dirty green socks after being in the mud.
Green smells like rotten,liquidy green paint.
Green smalls like mother nature.
Green taste like a prickly cucumber munching im my mouth.
Green taste like frosty mint ice cream melting in my mouth on a hot summer day.
Green taste like peppermint lollies being smashed in my mouth as if dynamite had suddenly hit the earth.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

why ronaldo is the best

Speech Judging Sheet

Name:  Shlok     Topic: Ronaldo is the best football player in the world                 
Main Points

Self Assessment
Low                                         High
1           2 3           4 5

My speech was organised logically into paragraphs, with an effective introduction and a conclusion.

I used some gestures, stood still and made eye contact with my audience.

My voice was clear and loud.  I didn’t speak too quickly or too slowly.

My speech had a message and was original, interesting and relevant to the audience.


I used ‘powerful’ words in my speech.  I also included some language features (eg repetition, alliteration, similes etc)

My speech was between 2 ½ and 3 ½ minutes long.

Next time I need to
Next time I need to use less hand gestures and not repeat the same one.
Teacher Comment
Well done Shlok, your speech was well written. You used a good story/scenario in your introduction to get the audience interested in your topic and had some good questioning throughout your speech.  Your next step is to slow down slightly so that your speech is clearer and easier to understand.